Friday, September 15th, 2023


  • Date: Friday, September 15th
  • In-person Location: Northwestern University: Levy Mayer Hall, LM104, Chicago.
  • Register: Click here to register

Aravindan Vijayaraghavan, Northwestern University

Tentative Schedule


9:30AM CT Breakfast
9:45AM CT Introduction to the Fall Special Program by Aravindan Vijayaraghavan
10AM CT Avrim Blum (TTIC) on Robustness of different flavors (an ML Theory / TCS perspective)
10:30AM CT Dan Linna (Northwestern) on CS+Law: Designing Trustworthy and Reliable Systems in Law and CS
11AM CT Cong Ma (U Chicago) on An introduction (and invitation) to learning under distribution shift
11:30AM-11:50AM CT Break
11:50AM-12:30PM CT Lightning talks (Saba Ahmadi, Jinshuo Dong, Gyorgy Turan, Aravindan Vijayaraghavan, Ren Wang, and Ming Zhong)
12:30PM CT Lunch
1:45PM-3:45PM Open problems session + brainstorming

Titles and Abstracts

Avrim Blum, Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago

Speaker: Avrim Blum

Title: Robustness of different flavors (an ML Theory / TCS perspective)

Abstract: In this talk I will give a brief introduction to robustness of a few different flavors from a Machine Learning Theory and Theoretical Computer Science perspective. In general, the goal is to achieve good performance even in the presence of different forms of data corruption or model misspecification. This is typically approached by considering an adversary (real or imagined) with different abilities to corrupt data and different goals for doing so, and aiming to understand what kinds of guarantees the learner (or adversary) can achieve.

Daniel W. Linna Jr., Northwestern University

Speaker: Daniel  W. Linna Jr.

Title: CS+Law: Designing Trustworthy and Reliable Systems in Law and CS

Abstract: TBA

Cong Ma, University of Chicago

Speaker: Cong Ma

Title: An introduction (and invitation) to learning under distribution shift

Abstract: Learning under distribution shift is concerned with the scenario when the training and test distribution for a model are mismatched. In this talk, I will provide a brief introduction to several lines of research in this area: domain adaptation, structured distribution shifts (e.g., covariate shift), and distributionally robust optimization. I will also discuss their pros and cons. In the end, I will talk about some of the challenges in the space of learning under distribution shift.

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